Όπου υπάρχει καπνός υπάρχει και φωτιά. Ένα από τα επόμενα μεγάλα Nokia smartphones με λειτουργικό σύστημα Windows Phone θα έχει κάμερα 41 Megapixel με φακό τεχνολογίας Pure View. Αυτό φάινεται να «επιβεβαιώνει» ακόμα ένα στέλεχος, o Chris Webber πρόεδρος της Nokia USA και Head of Marketing για τη Βόρεια Αμερική.
Ωραία, να το πω και διαφορετικά; Δεν υπάρχει περίπτωση να μην «εκμεταλευτούν» το trend της τεχνολογίας Pure View που έχει δημιουργήσει το Symbian smartphone Nokia 808…!
Chris Webber, President of Nokia USA and Head of Marketing for North America, talked about the future of Nokia and their plans to expand their market share. PureView is part of the plan and Nokia is working closely with Microsoft to make sure that the technology works exactly right (we approve as long as the phones don’t look like this).
Webber once again points out it’s not about the 41MP that was arguably the biggest attention grabber, but it’s the oversampling technology instead. This lends some credence that there will be PureView cameras with a lower raw resolution (which would reduce the maximum lossless zoom, but the other advantages of the technology shouldn’t be affected).
You can watch the 20+ minute interview with Webber here – he talks about PureView a little after 3 minutes in.
Webber once again points out it’s not about the 41MP that was arguably the biggest attention grabber, but it’s the oversampling technology instead. This lends some credence that there will be PureView cameras with a lower raw resolution (which would reduce the maximum lossless zoom, but the other advantages of the technology shouldn’t be affected).
You can watch the 20+ minute interview with Webber here – he talks about PureView a little after 3 minutes in.
[πηγή: Techblog]
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